All 6th grade
students will reveal their ability to use vivid language in narrative,
argumentative, and expository essays along with research papers. Also, in order
to review their basic grammar concepts there will be daily oral language
exercises, mini-lessons, and writing in their journals. Not only will the
students be writing during English, they will be reading, speaking, and
listening throughout the year. These concepts of the writers’ workshop include
brainstorming, drafting, peer conferencing, revising, editing, and publishing.
The 6+1 traits of writing; ideas and content, organization, sentence fluency,
voice, word choice, conventions and publishing, are the major skills that allow
the students to reach their goals. The 6th grade students will be
able to express themselves through a number of different experiences, such as,
journals, poetry, narratives papers, argumentative papers, expository papers,
short stories, and research papers. Here’s to a great year!

“You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have to say something.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald