6th Grade Science

Welcome to Sixth Grade Science Class. Our science class will be a General Science class. First quarter we will start out by studying cells and their functions. Second quarter will be spent learning about four kingdoms, astronomy and a STEM project. Third quarter we will look at electricity, magnets and a STEM project. We will finish the year up with a study of weather. One thing I like for my students to do is to watch the news! I want students to be informed of what is happening in the world around them. Try to take some time each evening to sit down with your son/daughter and watch the news, including the weather - it will make them a better student! If you have any questions about science class be sure to ask. I am here at school early and usually stay till at least 4:00. I will be glad to answer questions or explain anything to you at that time.
Please take the questionnaire that can be found on the "Links" to help me get to know you!
Please take the questionnaire that can be found on the "Links" to help me get to know you!

Please check your child's agenda daily for homework assignments. I post the assignments on the board for the week and give the students time every Monday to copy the assignments down. If your child's agenda is blank or your child never has any science homework that might be a sign to contact the teacher to make sure your child is completing their homework. Thanks for your help.
Please check your child's agenda daily for homework assignments. I post the assignments on the board for the week and give the students time every Monday to copy the assignments down. If your child's agenda is blank or your child never has any science homework that might be a sign to contact the teacher to make sure your child is completing their homework. Thanks for your help.