AR Requirements

All students in 6th Grade Literature need to have 10 AR points per quarter. All students in 6th Grade Advanced Literature need to have 15 points per quarter. Each 6th Grade Student needs to read and test over one Literacy book per quarter. The Literacy book can also count towards the students AR points - it is a 2 for 1 book! These points are very important to your Literature grade. Make sure you get your points early - extra points can be used for bonus points!
AR and Literacy Tests Deadlines
1st Quarter - October 1, 2015
2nd Quarter - December 11, 2015
3rd Quarter - February 26, 2016
4th Quarter - May 12, 2016
AR and Literacy Tests Deadlines
1st Quarter - October 1, 2015
2nd Quarter - December 11, 2015
3rd Quarter - February 26, 2016
4th Quarter - May 12, 2016
Each Wednesday students will be given an "Article of the Week" (AoW) that will be due the following Wednesday. During anchor time students will work on their Daily Common Core practice (DCC) and their Article of the Week.

Ist Quarter - Do the Right Thing
* Reading Model: The Storytelling Stone
* LaBamba
* The Gold Cadillac
* Do or Die From Gilgamesh the Hero
* Making It Up As We Go: The History of Storytelling
* Iraq Treasures Hunted
* CAVE Online
* Frederick Douglass PARCC Close Read
* Reading Model: Priscilla and the Wimps
*Just Once
* Reading Model: The Storytelling Stone
* LaBamba
* The Gold Cadillac
* Do or Die From Gilgamesh the Hero
* Making It Up As We Go: The History of Storytelling
* Iraq Treasures Hunted
* CAVE Online
* Frederick Douglass PARCC Close Read
* Reading Model: Priscilla and the Wimps
*Just Once

2nd Quarter - Facing Challenges
* All Summer in a Day
* Novel: Number the Stars
* All Summer in a Day
* Novel: Number the Stars

3rd Quarter - Poetry
* The Sneetches / The Lorax
* John Henry
* Cynthia in the Snow - Full Fathom Five - A Nash Menagerie: The Octopus, The Panther,
The Duck, The Camel - A Caution to Everybody
* Good Hot Dogs - Yes, It Was My Grandmother - In the Blood - That Day
* Ode to Mi Gato - In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles - Hard on the Gas
* Poem - Motto
* Haiku
*The Toaster - Steam Shovel - The Sidewalk - Things to Do If You Are a Subway
* PARCC Practice
* The Sneetches / The Lorax
* John Henry
* Cynthia in the Snow - Full Fathom Five - A Nash Menagerie: The Octopus, The Panther,
The Duck, The Camel - A Caution to Everybody
* Good Hot Dogs - Yes, It Was My Grandmother - In the Blood - That Day
* Ode to Mi Gato - In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles - Hard on the Gas
* Poem - Motto
* Haiku
*The Toaster - Steam Shovel - The Sidewalk - Things to Do If You Are a Subway
* PARCC Practice

4th Quarter - History
* All Aboard with Thomas Garrett
* Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People
* Novel: Each sixth grade Literature teacher will chose a book for their classroom
* All Aboard with Thomas Garrett
* Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People
* Novel: Each sixth grade Literature teacher will chose a book for their classroom