Homework and Grades
1. All homework is due when called for.
2. If a student does not have their homework at that time, the student will have till 4:00 that day to complete the assignment for partial credit. The only time this is not allowed is when that assignment is part of what the class will be doing for the day and the student has to fill the assignment out in class. At that time the assignment will be counted as a zero. If the student does not complete required work, the student will be given a ZAP. This will require the student to either complete the assignment during lunch study hall or after school with 50% being taken off for a late grade. If the student fails to show up and complete the work the grade will be recorded as a zero.
3. Standard Base Grading will be a part of Science this year. Following is the explanation of Standard Base Grading:
Explanation of Grading Terms
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
0-59 F
Explanation of Grading Areas
Disciplinary Core Ideas: The core ideas have a broad importance within or across science or engineering disciplines, provide a key tool for understanding or investigating complex ideas and solving problems, and can be taught over multiple grade levels at progressive levels of depth and complexity.
Crosscutting Concepts: Crosscutting concepts can help students better understand core ideas in science and engineering. When students encounter new phenomena, whether in a science lab, reading, or on their own, they need mental tools to help engage in and come to understand the phenomena from a scientific point of view.
Science and Engineering Practices: The Framework described eight practices in Science and Engineering that all students needed to learn. These are the skills and knowledge needed to do science. These practices engage students in a way that makes them think deeply.
Reading and Writing Standards: Literacy skills are critical to building knowledge in science. Students need to be able to gain knowledge from diagrams and data that convey information and illustrate scientific concepts. Likewise, writing and presenting information orally are key means for students to assert and defend claims in science, demonstrate what they know about a concept, and convey what they have experienced, imagined, thought, and learned.
4. If students continue to fail to turn homework in, students and parents will be informed of a change in the failure to do homework procedures. This could include detentions, lunch study hall, intervention from administration or ISS. Hopefully students will get homework completed and turned in on time to keep everything running smoothly.
5. Remember homework is a very important part of the success of a student in this class. Lack of homework will result in a lower grade and can cause the student to fail. Keeping the agenda up to date with assignments and using class time and study hall time wisely will help make sure all assignments are completed. Assignments can be found in your child's agenda. Your child's agenda is the best place to look,if it should be empty day after day please contact me and we can work together to fix that.